Join us as we explore the business world of fashion and discuss the latest in trends, business and technology.

Shahrooz Kohan

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Work Smarter, not Harder

AIMS360 offers the most efficient and professional way to organize and manage shipment processes...

WFX Cloud PLM and AIMS360 Partner for Best-of-Breed Solution for Fashion Companies

Integration of PLM and ERP Eliminates Error-Prone Duplication in Style Setup and Management

Why an Integrated ERP & EDI Solution is Essential for Growing Fashion Companies

That nationwide fashion retailer you’ve been dying to work with has finally noticed your brand, but...

Payment Page

Click here to visit to access your AIMS 360 account portal for paying invoices.

Understanding Dropship EDI and its Pros and Cons in the Fashion Industry

According to industry experts, global retail ecommerce is expected to surpass nearly $2 trillion in...

Need a Report? Set It and Forget It!

It’s no secret that reporting is a critical business function, helping you to understanding...

AIMS 360 and Shopify Integration Ready for Primetime

AIMS 360 Empowerment Day Empowers All!

AIMS360 reveals ecosystem and innovations in fashion ERP software, information about accounting,...

AIMS 360 Apparel ERP Software - NYC Certification Class Scores Big

With major expansion efforts of AIMS 360 into the East Coast in the past year, the demand for AIMS...

AIMS 360 Apparel ERP Software - Incorporates RFID Technology

AIMS 360, the fashion industry's leading apparel software company, announced that AIMS customers...

AIMS 360 Apparel ERP software – Windows Server 2003 Alert

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 is phasing out. End of support means that Microsoft will no longer...

AIMS 360 Multi-Warehouse Feature

AIMS360 Multi-Warehouse Feature