New Deposit Feature Added to AIMS WebLink (B2B Online Wholesale)

With AIMS360 WebLink, you can now require a deposit amount during checkout.  For each customer you can specify a deposit percentage based on the total amount of the order.  The customer can then pay the deposit via one or more credit cards during checkout.  The deposits will show up in AIMS360 just as any other deposit again for the specific order.

The deposit % can be specified globally and can be overwritten at customer level also. If 15% deposit is specified globally and if a customer is required to deposit only 10%, then the global settings will be overwritten and 10% will be applied to that customer. To configure deposit % at customer level, click button 'Configure Settings at Customer level' shown in the above screen.

If a customer is required to deposit X%, then the place order will look like the below screen:

In the Website, the amount will only be authorized and not captured. Until the minimum deposit amount is authorized, user cannot place the order.  Click on the "Add Deposit" button to authorize the minimum deposit as shown in the below figure:

User can also void the order by clicking the button "Void Order" in the place order page. Once the minimum deposit is authorized, user can place the order.  After during order import in AIMS360, the Admin will capture the authorized amount and then amount will be settled.

About AIMS WebLink

AIMS360 WebLink is a web-based B2B online shopping cart which allows remote or on-the-go employees, sales reps and wholesale customers to securely place orders and access account information.  Best of all, it seamlessly integrates with the AIMS360 ERP software allowing you to process your orders.

For more information about AIMS WebLink and other AIMS360 features, contact an Account Advisor today for your FREE demo!

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