New AIMS360 Features - Search Box | Quick Save | New EDI Transactions | Add Styles Directly in iPad

A360Circle2AIMS360 is one of the most sophisticated apparel ERP systems in the industry and we strive to add new features regularly.

We have add a few new feature exclusive to the new AIMS360 system and AIMS RemoteLink:

AIMS360 Search - Want to find a particular style or order, now you can simply type in what you are looking for in the search box and quickly find it.

Save Your Views - Easily save your grid changes into a new view, so next time you want to view it, you just select it instead of creating it again.

EDI Transactions - 754 (fully integrated - no more manual process), 855 (acceptance/rejection of orders at the detail level), 864, 865, and 846 (inventory status update).

AIMS RemoteLink - Sales Reps can now add styles, images, descriptions, size scales and colors directly in the AIMS RemoteLink iPad app.  This app allows you to take orders anywhere, anytime using your iPad.

To learn more about any of these new features and many others that are exclusive to the AIMS360 system, please contact an Account Advisor today!

310-361-5710 |