New AIMS360 Features Added - Order Imports | Chargebacks | More Production Options | Business Intelligence

A360Circle2AIMS360 is one of the most sophisticated apparel ERP systems in the industry and we strive to add new features regularly.

Here are 4 new features which are exclusive to the AIMS360 system:

Order Import to Excel

Are you taking orders with other devices or systems? One way is to take your orders placed in Excel and import them directly into AIMS.

Chargeback System

The AIMS360 chargeback system is now up and running.  Manage your Factor and EDI chargebacks and reconcile your statements using our integrated chargeback system.

Additional Production Options

The new production options allow you to track your production send outs in detail.

AIMS 360 Business Intelligence ®

This innovative feature allows you to use the pivot tables to create powerful reports for orders, production, and invoices.

To learn more about any of these new features and many others that are exclusive to the AIMS360 system, please contact an Account Advisor today!

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