New AIMS 360 Features / Enhancements - Trading Partners | Allocated WIP FIlters | Shipping Integration

AIMS360 is one of the most sophisticated apparel ERP systems in the industry and we strive to add new features and enhancements regularly.

Here's what's new and exclusive to the AIMS360 system:

New EDI Partners Codes Added
We have added the following EDI partner codes into the system:
- (TRDS)
- TSA Drop Ship (TSAD)
- Murdoch's (MURD)

EDI Target


Allocated WIP Filters
When issuing allocated WIP in AIMS360, we have made the process easier by allowing you to have the option to filter based on fabric, style group and body codes.

Allocated WIP

Shipping Integration Enhancement
Need to add additional freight charges per carton? We have added a new field in our customer master for use with our Shipping Integration so, when applying freight charges in an invoice, finalized pick ticket, and scan and pack, the system will consider the new value.

Shipping Integration - Customer Form

If you have any questions about these features or any others, please contact your Account Adviser today!

310-361-5710 | |