Why Big Fashion ERP is dead

When it comes to business software, growing companies are better off choosing a lean cloud based Fashion ERP system with support for robust simple processes and short implementation times. Companies should not under any circumstances spend more than 50% of the software price on consultation and implementation services.

A decade ago, growing companies always asked me to evaluate IBM, Oracle or other Big Fashion ERP solutions for them.

Today, everyone is looking at lean cloud based Fashion Business Software with simple robust processes. Big Fashion ERP Software and their glorified consulting services is on the decline fast.

One reason for Big Fashion ERP decline has to do with their very long design and implementation timeframe. These solutions allocate TWO to THREE times the software price for glorified consultants to setup convoluted processes. By doing so they substantially decreases the chances of success and reduce flexibility.

A second reason to avoid Big Fashion ERP is lack of upgradability. Once these systems and processes are deployed you are locked in for life. Any simple changes require substantial consultation fees to modify.

But the biggest reason to avoid such systems is that only one in three software projects will turn out to be successful. According to Standish Group’s 2015 Chaos report, 66% of large technology projects end in partial or total failure. Additionally, 17% of large IT projects go so badly that they can threaten the very existence of a company.