AIMS Apparel EasyShop Introduces Pinterest Integration

From President Obama to Jessica Alba to Michael Kors, Pinterest is the latest rave to hit the social media scene.  With approximately 12 million visitors viewing and pinning their favorite fashion designers and collections, products, brands, etc., Pinterest is a marketing avenue to definitely get noticed in.

As part of our commitment to be the most advanced and up-to-date with technology, applications and social media , AIMS has implemented this new feature within AIMS EasyShop.

Pin example using Pineterest









How to turn on Pinterest in Apparel EasyShop

It's easy to activate.  Simply go to the "Admin" section within your Apparel EasyShop account and ...

  1. Go to "Settings"
  2. Then "General
  3. Click on the "Product Detail" tab
  4. Check the box next to "Pinterest Button"
    And you are set!

More about Pinterest

What is Pinterest you ask?  In a nutshell, it's a social media site based on a picture, a video, a discussion, or a product.  Each user has a pin board that they use to pin images of almost anything that interests them from all over the Web (think of it as an electronic version of the good old pins and a cork board!).  The pins can then all be grouped into "boards" which are a group of "pins" specific to a particular area of interest. Other users then can view, comment and pin that image again (making it go viral).  This is a great way to bring together people of same interests and allows them to interact with each other, create great discussions and ultimately sales.

To get started, you will need to add the “Pin It” button to your website (next to your images), so that when someone pins something on their Pinterest, a link will be created which is sent back to your business website.  When creating your website and adding images of products, try to add pin-worthy images (stylish, trendy, eye-catching images, etc.) to your company’s website so people will be encouraged to pin things of interest on your site.

If you are an AIMS EasyShop customer, then the Pinterest option is included in your account. Simply log into your account and activate it.  If you do not have AIMS EasyShop, you will just have to wait to be invited by someone before you can activate this social media on your website.  You may be waiting a while and definitely do not want to miss out on capturing potential customers!

Every company should have a Pinterest account and should share things related to their business. Pinterest does add a sense of validity and authority to a business's reputation. If you are on Pinterest sharing pictures and information related to your niche, you are connecting more intimately with your potential and existing customers and also showcasing on your business knowledge of the industry you represent. Essentially, you are authenticating that you know what you talking about and that you are a genuine source of information. If people start to pin your items, you could see your website’s traffic and customer base increase dramatically. Good luck!

Don't have AIMS Apparel EasyShop? Receive more information by clicking here.

Or you may contact our sales team directly at: 310-361-5710 or



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