AIMS 360 Apparel ERP Software - AIMS Customer Support Get's 5 Star Ratings!

AIMS360' Customer Support has one of the most important tasks here at AIMS.  That task is resolving issues with a  positive attitude and keeping our customers satisfied.  The core strength of any business is the quality support that they offer!

We would like to congratulate the AIMS 360 Customer Support team for a job well done! Looking at surveys conducted from October 2012 to February 2013, the Support team received 5 stars on nearly all questions that were asked once a ticket was closed.

Here is how Customer Support scored:

Hat's off to the team for a wonderful job!

For a more details about AIMS 5 Star Customer Support and to learn how AIMS can help grow your apparel business, please contact us today!

310-361-5710 | |

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